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Two calls for research projects to gain a better understanding of environmental and occupational health risks
Actualité APR PNR EST

Two calls for research projects to gain a better understanding of environmental and occupational health risks

On Monday, 16 October, as part of the National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health (PNR EST), ANSES is issuing two calls for research projects, on environmental and occupational health and the theme of radiofrequencies. The aim is to gain a better understanding of issues that are still relatively unexplored, but which are considered to be of major importance to human health and ecosystems. Multidisciplinary projects incorporating socio-economic aspects and holistic approaches are eagerly awaited.
Mushroom season: poisoning on the rise!
intoxications champignons

Mushroom season: poisoning on the rise!

Every year in October, there is a peak in the number of mushroom poisoning cases. Certain species of mushroom are toxic and can even be fatal to humans. In 2022, two people died after mistaking toxic species for edible ones. Whether you are a connoisseur or an occasional picker, you should remain vigilant and follow good practices to ensure safe consumption.
Foot-and-mouth disease: facilitating the transport of samples from field to laboratory to identify circulating strains
Une vache sur un marché en Turquie

Foot-and-mouth disease: facilitating the transport of samples from field to laboratory to identify circulating strains

ANSES has developed a simple, cost-effective method for transporting samples taken when foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is suspected. It could be used in countries that cannot apply the standard transport protocol because it is too expensive. The aim is to increase the number of samples sent to diagnostic laboratories in order to identify circulating strains and therefore combat the disease more effectively.
ANSES and the CEA renew their partnership
Signature du renouvellement du partenariat entre l'Anses et le CEA

ANSES and the CEA renew their partnership

ANSES and the CEA are renewing their partnership agreement to continue a rich tradition of scientific cooperation.
Head lice treatments: never use products for animals on children
Une enfant se faisant coiffer

Head lice treatments: never use products for animals on children

On 2 October 2023, ANSES received a report involving the case of a young girl who was hospitalised in serious condition following the use of insecticides intended for treating parasites in cattle. Every year, the Agency is informed of cases where antiparasitics intended for animals are used to treat head lice in children. It reiterates that antiparasitic treatments for animals should never be used on human beings, especially children.
Review of ANSES’s work on prosulfocarb
Paysage de campagne

Review of ANSES’s work on prosulfocarb

Prosulfocarb is one of the most widely sold herbicidal active substances in France. For several years now, ANSES has been paying close attention to the problems posed by spray drift of prosulfocarb products. For example, the Agency has examined deposits on non-target crops following prosulfocarb treatments. It has also updated its assessment of products with regard to the exposure of local residents. Below we take stock of the work carried out by ANSES since 2017.
Pool collections of micro-organisms at European level

Pool collections of micro-organisms at European level

To make it easier for the entire scientific community to access collections of micro-organisms, in line with the "One Health" approach, ANSES took part in the European CARE project, funded by the One Health European Joint Programme (EJP) coordinated by the Agency.
Our online game "Agent tous risques" wins an award!
grand prix stratégie serious game

Our online game "Agent tous risques" wins an award!

"Agent tous risques", our online game created in collaboration with Spintank, has been awarded a prize at the Stratégies magazine Grand Prix. It won the BRONZE award in the “External editorial communication medium or device” category.
First cases of epizootic haemorrhagic disease in France
Deux vaches dans un pré

First cases of epizootic haemorrhagic disease in France

Three cattle in France have been diagnosed with epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EHD). They are the very first cases to have occurred in this country. They were confirmed on 18 September 2023 by the ANSES Laboratory for Animal Health, which is the reference laboratory for this disease in France and for the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH). The cases were reported in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Hautes-Pyrénées départéments.
