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ANSES's new 2023-2027 goals and performance contract

ANSES's new 2023-2027 goals and performance contract

The new goals and performance contract (COP) between ANSES and its five supervisory ministries sets out its strategic objectives for the coming five years. Building on the previous COP, its orientations consolidate the Agency's core missions and reflect the changes it plans to undertake to address new challenges, in a national and global context marked by health crises and transformations in society and the environment – climate change and biodiversity loss in particular.
Bed bugs are a financial burden and reduce quality of life for many people in France
punaises de lit

Bed bugs are a financial burden and reduce quality of life for many people in France

Between 2017 and 2022, more than one in 10 French households were infested by bed bugs. Contrary to popular belief, their presence does not indicate a lack of cleanliness, and anyone can fall victim to an infestation in their home. Moreover, bed bugs are a costly nuisance for households in metropolitan France, considering the expense of treatment and the psychological impact. The Agency therefore recommends that certain households be provided with financial assistance to cover the costs associated with exterminating bed bugs. It also recommends that professionals and private individuals favour alternative control methods instead of chemical insecticides.
Final meeting of the One Health EJP

11 to 12 September 2023

Final meeting of the One Health EJP

Public : non
Ministère de la Santé et de la Prévention 14 avenue Duquesne 75007 Paris
ANSES holds the final meeting of the One Health European Joint Programme (OHEJP). The meeting will be an opportunity to look back on the work conducted during the five years of the OHEJP. It will be held at the French Ministry of Health and Prevention on the 11th (afternoon) and 12th (morning) of September and will be broadcast live.
A method for assessing the carcinogenicity of work processes
Une méthode pour évaluer la cancérogénicité des procédés de travail

A method for assessing the carcinogenicity of work processes

In addition to exposure to chemical substances and products, some occupational activities and working conditions can cause or promote the onset of cancer. ANSES has developed a methodology to assess the carcinogenicity of these work processes, in order to better prevent the associated risks to workers.
Fête de la science - Sport et sciences (France’s annual Science Festival)
Fête de la science 2023

6 to 16 October 2023

Fête de la science - Sport et sciences (France’s annual Science Festival)

Public : oui
ANSES participates in the Fête de la science (France’s annual Science Festival) held from 6 to 16 October 2023.
Meet our scientists specialising in animal health at SPACE!
SPACE 2023

12 to 14 September 2023

Meet our scientists specialising in animal health at SPACE!

Public : oui
Parc des expositions de Rennes
Come and meet our scientists at the International Livestock Trade Fair (SPACE) to be held in Rennes from 12 to 14 September 2023.
ANSES in action: 2022 Annual Report
Rapport d'activité 2022

ANSES in action: 2022 Annual Report

ANSES is publishing the annual reports for 2022. The general report offers an insider’s view of our missions and explains how we work to provide scientific guidance to protect our health and that of animals and plants. Three specific reports describe our activities in the areas of plant protection products, biocidal products and biotechnology.
Zootopique: Season 2 of our podcast now available (in French)
Animaux humains

Zootopique: Season 2 of our podcast now available (in French)

In 2021 ANSES created Zootopique, the anticipation podcast that looks at the links between human and animal health. Season 2 of Zootopique, available now, reminds us that both now and in the future, animal health is our health too. The flu, global warming, antibiotics and fish are the topics that will be addressed in these four new episodes. Episode 1 is available now (in French).
How can consumers be effectively protected from foodborne E. coli infections?
Infections alimentaires à E. coli : comment protéger davantage de consommateurs ?

How can consumers be effectively protected from foodborne E. coli infections?

Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) bacteria can cause potentially severe foodborne infections, mainly in young children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals. In a new expert appraisal, ANSES classifies the strains of the bacterium responsible for serious forms of infection and makes recommendations for improving the monitoring of contamination risks in products before they are placed on the market. In this context, the Agency is reiterating the importance of continuing to apply good hygiene measures and comply with cooking recommendations; moreover, it notes that susceptible population groups should continue to avoid eating certain foods.
